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What Does The Bible Say About ... "Serving the Lord While Dating?"

Hey there guys and girls it's ya girl coming at you again with a past topic that my co-host and I discussed on one of our shows a few years ago. So, I felt like resurrecting it again in this post. One of our listeners during that time, Facebook'd us and asked if we would discuss  "Dating & Being Saved", because she wanted to get some different opinions and views from others about the subject, because although she was "saved & serving the Lord", you wanted to date as well in the hopes of meeting her Mr. Right! Now this topic was one of our best! Because in this day and age, everything is for show and or about sex and "LOVE" has become so cliché in a lot of cases...  so says Beyonce' in one of her song's lyrics anyway, lol. There were many views and opinions that day! as one would have imagine. Some felt that the Church bylaws kept people bound, afraid and for the most part ... single, others felt that whatever you did in your pers
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It's Important To Mate Profile....

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With or Without You I's Getting Married!!!

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I am Mary Jane Too....

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Finding Love

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Why Are There So Many Black Women Single?

The million dollar questions can only be answered with a priceless answer. Are black women today unmarried by choice?  Are there an adequate number of men available?  I'm sure there are various reasons as to why 70% of the black women in America are still single....with 42% never having been married.... but is there a solution? And just so you all know... I had to take my time and write this one... for I am a part of that 70%. I really wanted a real life snap shot as to why this stunning percentage existed, and I found myself searching for a solution... but first I needed some real life answers from real life men.  So, I took to my Facebook in boxing this question to a few of my male Facebook friends, I sent out text messages I even went so far as to set up a social dating site and posed the question to single men only from various backgrounds and so forth and so on, all this just to find the priceless answer to that million dollar question... I even had to treat one of the gu

Changing The Mentality Of Our Black Community

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