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With or Without You I's Getting Married!!!

Soooooooo what’s poppin people!!! its been a long time since my last post, but this article I JUST read, JUST now, had a sista up doing some after-midnight-can’t-sleep-no-way, kinda writing, lol. So there’s this lady in Houston, who decided to wed herself on her 40th birthday…. because that’s what… she … wanted to do, if she wasn’t married by the time she turned 40…. so she threw herself a birthday wedding!!

Now I don’t see anything wrong with loving you so much that you wanna do the best you can to make you happy, but is marrying yourself to far? Or does it send and extremely loud message to single male community or the unmarried period? Last I checked, there were 72 percent of African American women who were single and 42 percent of that number…. have NEVER been married… and may never marry…. unless they decide to do as this young lady did, and marry themselves. The truth is, the marrying rate within the average black community is really not that high, not as high as our Caucasian Brothers & Sisters.

My personal thoughts: I feel that in the African American Community, the purpose of marriage isn’t taught, talk about, or glorified or even seen as good thing to do. I’ve been in many a conversations and heard women say they didn’t need a man, except for two things…. can yall guess what those two things are, lol, okay, okay, okay….. BUT, I have also heard men say that women are to picky, too demanding, too loud, to moody and too much!! But, is that really true? There are several attractive, loving, smart, talented, wonderful women out there, who can bring home the bacon and actually cook it! without burning it. But, society has placed a stereotypical picture in the minds of many, about what a women is suppose to look like…. got some of you brothas…. waiting on their “Kim Kardashian” and unfortunately…. BLACK WOMEN especially (Since I am one), well we come in a variety of shapes colors and sizes. A man just has to know what he wants, and be realistic in what he NEED.

I’m sure the young lady in Houston who decided to dedicate herself to herself, did so for an array of reasons, and if I were to use my sanctified imagination, lol, one I’m sure would be desiring to have and share a very special moment in her life with a very special person, who just hasn’t showed up yet, yet she wanted the experience of a wedding during a certain time period in her life,…now touch ya neighbor and say “Neighbor, God’s time, aint cho time” but anywhoo. She probably said “If I’m not married by the time I turn 40, I’m going to marry myself” because silently she has waiting to be chosen, and simply hasn’t been…. so she made a statement to the world, and chose  and made a commitment to herself. I feel men should take a close look at this and don’t say “she’s crazy or desperate”, but hear her heart…. crying… “I’m here, I’m waiting, I want to love you, and have you love me…  want to build a life with you, stand by your side as your Queen, and that with honor to have you as my King”.

Well, yall that’s all I got for now on this subject, I’ll end by saying to my fellow sistas,… love you, be good to you, don’t you waste your life waiting on a man to do this for you and remember “What God and WHO God has for you is for you. Signed 42 and single, and doing just fine as I wait all while understanding, that he may never show up, and knowing it’s not because of anything I did or didn’t do…..

Here is the link to that article: (Copy & Paste in browser)
I’m Lady D


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