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Finding Love

Sometimes you can meet some of the best people... and sometimes you meet people who appear to be the best and they turn out to be the worst. 

This piece is for all of you 40 plus crew who are looking or desiring to find love... i say to you... good luck! In society today, sex rules the nation and dating has been played out! People these days are looking for a fun time and if you hit it off in the mist great and if you don't, well better luck next time. The truth is men and women of today have seemed to give up on the fairytale called love and happy ever after, its not even a factor.

It not that there are any good men or women to choose from, it's that the choices are slim and you have to dig through a lot of rotten apples before you find that golden goodness in the one that's just right for you and that ladies and gentleman... can be very discouraging. 42% of African American women are single and 72% have never been married, neither are they in danger of getting married. These stats are truly alarming and sad. All of these wonderful situations we find ourselves in are not real relationships, but simply having relations without ever really relating to one another. 

Someone asked me if I thought LOVE was or had become simple a cliche', and I had to say no. LOVE is a choice of action once has to simply choose to do and then act up on it on a consistant basis by way of expression. One should not necessarily have to do something in particular to cause one to love them, but it should be a choice.... simple as that. But, even in that choices that we make, we must make them wisely, to avoid error and heartache. 

well that's it for Cafe' Conversations for now, until next time....

I'm lady D. 


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