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Showing posts from 2015

What Does The Bible Say About ... "Serving the Lord While Dating?"

Hey there guys and girls it's ya girl coming at you again with a past topic that my co-host and I discussed on one of our shows a few years ago. So, I felt like resurrecting it again in this post. One of our listeners during that time, Facebook'd us and asked if we would discuss  "Dating & Being Saved", because she wanted to get some different opinions and views from others about the subject, because although she was "saved & serving the Lord", you wanted to date as well in the hopes of meeting her Mr. Right! Now this topic was one of our best! Because in this day and age, everything is for show and or about sex and "LOVE" has become so cliché in a lot of cases...  so says Beyonce' in one of her song's lyrics anyway, lol. There were many views and opinions that day! as one would have imagine. Some felt that the Church bylaws kept people bound, afraid and for the most part ... single, others felt that whatever you did in your pers

It's Important To Mate Profile....

What's poppin people! Its your girl Lady D. coming at you once again with another post! This time I really wanna speak with the sistas, the single sistas but brothas yall important too, so apply where needed. I happen to have a few sista friends who have simply been having bad luck in the area of LOVE.... Yea, this is another blog about RELATIONSHIPS; but this time I really wanna shed some light on a few mistakes we as women make. You may already be aware of some of the things that I will be mentioning in this post, and if so, that's great! But, I also want to encourage you as women as well, so here we go.... Many of us have found ourselves in these fantasy relationships, you know the one, where the only one it really truly evolves is us and our imagination. Recently, I have had a couple really good friends come to me with there men friend issues, now first let me say, I am NOT a social psychologist nor am I a relationship therapist, I am just one sista that have been through

With or Without You I's Getting Married!!!

Soooooooo what’s poppin people!!! its been a long time since my last post, but this article I JUST read, JUST now, had a sista up doing some after-midnight-can’t-sleep-no-way, kinda writing, lol. So there’s this lady in Houston, who decided to wed herself on her 40th birthday…. because that’s what… she … wanted to do, if she wasn’t married by the time she turned 40…. so she threw herself a birthday wedding!! Now I don’t see anything wrong with loving you so much that you wanna do the best you can to make you happy, but is marrying yourself to far? Or does it send and extremely loud message to single male community or the unmarried period? Last I checked, there were 72 percent of African American women who were single and 42 percent of that number…. have NEVER been married… and may never marry…. unless they decide to do as this young lady did, and marry themselves. The truth is, the marrying rate within the average black community is really not that high, not as high as our Caucasian